Monday, September 30, 2013

Due: October 1st

1. Bring in TWO examples of writing... they can be from ANY (well, most) sources.... Internet article.. magazine.. your writing..

These examples need to exhibit what you think is the difference between PERSUASIVE and ARGUMENTATIVE writing.  So, one of each.

Annotate the writing for what you think determines the difference between the two types of writing.

Turnitin info:
The class numbers are as followed:

2nd Hour: 7068204
4th Hour: 7068217
6th Hour: 7068224
7th Hour: 7068229

Password for all classes: bearcats

Reading for Monday, Sept. 30th

Friday, September 27, 2013

September 30th

1. Read pages 463-473 in A Reader for College Writers. Annotate and take Cornell notes! Annotate for information... this is an informational text. Quiz on Monday.
This quiz will cover EVERYTHING, FYI!- SYNTAX RETAKE TEST!!!
2. Final draft due 7:35 AM!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Due: Friday, September 27th

SENIOR PICTURES ARE FRIDAY. DRESS APPROPRIATELY! Shirts and ties... dresses...  no spaghetti straps or strapless.. Look FABULOUS!

1. Read Kingsolver's "Letter to My Mother"- 397.
Annotate for content AND writing style.

2. As Bloom's taxonomy calls for, you will be writing an evaluation/critique of Kingsolver's use of narrative technique. How is it effective? What specifically does she do? As an expert (should be close), you should be able to evaluate her writing style and writing purpose. 1 page in length. Typed.

Final College Application Essay- Turn in instructions

1. Your paper is DUE at 7:35 AM on September 30th. You will be submitting it to It will not be accepted after 7:35 AM. The program will not take it.
2. instructions from LSN LMC are located on a link on the right side of this page.
3. You need to use your LSR7 email. It is the easiest to keep track of in these situations. Sign in or sign up for an account.
4.  The class numbers are as followed:

2nd Hour: 7068204
4th Hour: 7068217
6th Hour: 7068224
7th Hour: 7068229

Password for all classes: bearcats

Monday, September 23, 2013

Due: Tuesday, September 24th

1. Have read "The Place of Origins"- page 389.
Annotate for content of the reading AND the style. What is being said and how it is being said.
Be ready to discuss this during class on Tuesday.

UPCOMING due dates:

For Wednesday/Thursday (your block day):
- The 'Your place of Origin" assignment. Pick a visual image.. picture of what you feel represents your place of origin. You will be combining the subject matter and approach of Harjo and the writing style of Joubert on this assignment. Once you have settled on your image, you will being using words, quips, sentences, etc. mirroring Joubert's style of writing in order to describe your place of origin. Construct a format that will be able to be displayed- poster board, etc. You will need both image and writing for this assignment.

Monday, September 30th- FINAL college application essay DUE by 7:35 AM!!! Digitally submitted.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Amended schedule: Wed/Thurs., Friday and Monday

September 18th-23rd

Wednesday and Thursday- Guidance presentations
- Bring Socratic questions and annotations just in case I have time to check

Friday- Socratic Seminar
 - Bring your questions and annotated text.
 - Review the Socratic seminar handout

Monday- 3rd college application DUE (this is a change)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Due: September 18th and 19th (Wednesday/Thursday)

1. Write 4 questions over Joubert's usage of DICTION and SYNTAX. You will need to write DIVERGENT and EVALUATIVE questions, which are higher on BLOOM's TAXONOMY...
You do not need answers to these questions. You must have these questions prior to seminar, or you will not be participating.

2. Review the handout on Socratic seminars. Be familiar with the history, guidelines, debate v. dialogue, and A level rubric. You will be putting these into play during our seminar. Seminars are very important in this classroom and adhere to the philosophy of "production and performance".  You will need be PREPARED for each seminar.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Due: Tuesday, September 17th

1. Syntax test... STUDY PowerPoint. Found on right side of screen. If you are checking this from your phone, you must hit web version at the bottom of the page to access these. STUDY!!!

2. Bring annotations and notes for Socratic seminar on Joubert's use of syntax and diction. You will be PERFORMING.... to do this you must be PREPARED.

3. College application attempt #3 is due on FRIDAY. Prompt is located on right.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Due: Friday, September 13th

1. Read and take notes on sentence structure and sentence types from the following link:


2. Diction practice- pages 1-4 (handout)
3. Sytntax: page 433 (purple workbook)

4. Quiz: Art of questioning, descriptive writing, narrative writing, annotation, Cornell, sentence structure, diction and syntax.


1. Narrative attempt #2

2. Read Exerpts from The Notebooks of Joseph Jourbert, 316-322
Annotate as you read focusing on diction and syntactical usage.
In your notes, make a list of noteworthy choices made by the author and what you feel the impact of these choices are on the meaning and reading of such lines. Your notes are very important to be able to participate and lead discussion. I'll check annotation and notes on Monday... discussion will possibly start on Monday and continue into Tuesday.

1. REALLY REVIEW carefully the syntax PowerPoint found on the right of this page under "instructional links".
Take notes and STUDY these refresher concepts! Quiz likely on Tuesday!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Due: Wed/Thursday September 11th and 12th

1. Read and annotate the example of stellar college admission essays from Johns Hopkins. In 2013, JH had over 20,000 applications and accepted close to 3,500. The admissions committed chose these essays as outstanding and memorable. WHY? What do they do that is so effective and productive?

2. Finish your first narrative piece. The prompt is designed to really make you think. Go through the questions before you start writing.

3. Typed draft is due on your block day this week. MLA, scoring guide, and assignment sheet are all due at the beginning of the hour on Wed./Thursday.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Due: Friday, September 6th

1. Annotate for its descriptive and narrative techniques: 489-"Nobody Listens when I talk" in the new Reading and Writing from Literature book.
2. In your notes, write down a list of 10 things you have learned about Narrative writing.

Happy Homecoming Week!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Due: Wednesday and Thursday

1. Write a descriptive writing sample mirroring the writing of Jessie Sullivan describing your neighborhood. Remember the specific descriptive techniques. 

2. Read, annotate, and Cornell pages 275-280. Be ready for quiz.