Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Class: November 24th (Final Paper Assignment)

Here you will find the link to the final paper for Semester 1: My Sphere Paper

The paper due dates are as followed:

Tuesday, December 1st: Full OUTLINE is due at the beginning of class
                                    - I will go over note cards/ research
Monday, December 7th: Complete HANDWRITTEN draft of the body of your paper is due at the beginning of class.
Wednesday/Thursday, December 9th/10th: Complete TYPED draft of FULL paper (including intro/conclusion, bibliography, footnotes, etc.) due at the beginning of class.
Monday, December 14th: Paper is DUE by 7:00 AM to Turnitin.com. No excuses.
Tuesday, December 15th: Abstract is DUE by 11:59 PM to Google Classroom.
                                      First round of presentations for 1st, 3rd, 6th Hours
Wednesday, December 16th: Presentations 6th Hour
Thursday, December 17th: Presentations 3rd Hour
Friday, December 18th: Presentations 1st Hour

Necessary INFO


What are footnotes?
- brief explanation of what footnotes are designed to do.

Why do we footnote? What is footnoted?
- explanation and instruction

Note cards:
How to do note cards
- rationale and example

Chicago style:
Difference between MLA and Chicago
Chart between the major citation styles
- Explanation between the two styles of citations

Sample Chicago Paper:
Chicago Style Paper Sample
- Review this THOROUGHLY before your typed draft. This will cover exactly how to do a cover page, footnotes, bibliography

Monday, November 23, 2015

Due: November 24th

1. From your third thesis (from last week), you will be utilizing the skills of effective paragraphing in order to write completely the third writing sample. This is putting it ALL together. This is now what writing "just is". When you are asked to write, these are the collection of skills that you are expected to demonstrate proficiently EVERY TIME.

You will turn ALL THREE samples at the beginning of class on Tuesday. In return, you will be receiving your first big kid paper assignment.

And, the best news story ever...
Belgium Responds with Cats

Friday, November 20, 2015

Due: November 23rd

1. Read and thoroughly take notes on the UNC "Integrating Quotes" link. (See Writing Links).
2. Then read "What Must Be Cited"- directly under the first link. Take good notes.
3. Take the second of your extended "paragraph" structures and you will go through steps 7 and 8 of writing. You will be implementing source material to support your claim. For this exercise, just make up the quotes. Make sure that you leave a parentheses after to add in citation.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Mid-November Reminder...

In the next few days, read the following:
What Students Really Need to Hear.

Due: Friday, November 20th

1. Here are three examples of op-ed pieces from The Washington Post and The Guardian. 
They are not traditional argumentative essays... but they have the components that are necessary that you need to recognize and apply.
Please read through two of the articles and take notes of the argumentative techniques and the effectiveness to the purpose of proving the point of the thesis.

1. Identify the major argument/claim.
2. What evidence is used to support? (kind)
3. What is the effectiveness of the evidence?
4. Is the information and argument inductive or deductive? Why? Effectiveness?
5. Is there a counter argument presented? Implicit? Explicit?
6. Are the warrants implicit or explicit?
7. How would you describe the writing style?

Rehearsing for death article-

The first steps article

Against Intervention in Iraq

2. You have an extended "para" structure outline for 3 of your claims. You will now move on to step 7 of writing with writing a rough draft with including of transitions.  Start at the top of ONE of the three outlines and start writing following your outline.. use ample, ample transitions. This is now your NEW NORMAL. You will only need ONE for Friday.

Remember... we are writing for covering the argument completely.. for the audience.. not the writer.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

MONDAY, November 16th

1. Take out your ten thesis/claim statements.
2. For EACH statement, you need to write the counter claim.. This is the opposition side to this argument.. do not go to the polar opposite side for this exercise... Your argument, if you have developed it well, should not be extreme and obvious (therefore having a direct opposite side). Look to reasons why someone (people) would disagree with your claim.  Write this statement as well as you were supposed to write your initial thesis.

So now.. you should have your initial thesis/claim... and its counterclaim.

3. Switch your papers with a classmate. Give them both your initial thesis and your counterclaim.
They need to assess each thesis (just the thesis) for the following standards:
   A. Has the topic been broken down and/or processed (not transferred right into subject of formula)
   B. Is the stance arguable? Look at the thesis first and then look at the counter.. Is the counter a logical opposition stance?
   C. Does the thesis continue on and answer HOW or WHY? (and is it narrowed down from the presented topic?)
   D. Is the writing concise? Is the argument easy to figure out? (not garbled up in the writing)

Provide as much feedback as possible.

4. Once you have been given back your thesis statements, you need to pick your 5 BEST. If you need to edit and make adjustments, do so. For each of the 5, you need to come up with 3 major supporting points for your argument...   Ask yourself the question, "why is this true?"  Make these reasons as broad as you can at this point.  (DUE TUESDAY).

Bring these 5 thesis statements and the support with your counterclaims on TUESDAY.

I will see you tomorrow! 

FRIDAY, November 13th!


1.      Steps of Writing and Argument v. Persuasion Quiz
2.      Open the Google Document from the previous class found on Google Classroom with the 5 claims per student. You will need to evaluate FIVE thesis statements other than your own. What are they doing well? What are they missing? How are they addressing the subject? Give effective feedback. Use a different color font for each new comment to distinguish between.

Homework for MONDAY: Write a thesis for the following topics:
1. Voting age
2. Beauty pageants
3. Torture
4. Taxes
5. Credit cards
6. Mean girls
7. Video games
8. Academic honesty
9. Global climate
10. Standardized testing

Things you MUST consider...
1. Topic size.. do not just drop the topic into your thesis as the subject. What approach are you taking towards the subject?
2. Are you showing assessment or analysis of the issue? What do you think about the issue? What can be done about the issue? What changes should be made? What is more important or not?
3. Are you answering how and/or why? Think about us having a discussion about this issue. You state your solution to a problem and then I ask you "how?" or "why?" . This is where your voice gets to be heard.
4. Make sure that you are not describing or summarizing the topic or issue.
5. Look at your VERB usage.. Try to keep with an ACTIVE verb!

6. ASK YOURSELF A QUESTION BEFORE YOU WRITE... Think of a higher level Bloom's question.. remember an answer to a question is...   such as... Compare the roles students have currently in making decisions at LSN to the role you think they should have in making decisions.

WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY- November 11th/12th

Ciao e tutti!
As I told you during class, I will be posting everything here and collecting most of it via Google Classroom. I had to post everything before I left, so find the appropriate date to help guide you. One thing builds on the next, so do it in order and do not jump ahead. Pay attention to WHEN AND WHERE things are due!
Be good! I'll miss you!

1. Review the following link on CLAIMS: Claims Handout
2. Review the 4 major ways to make a CLAIM arguable: Claims- 4 major types
3. Then open the following link on Thesis/claim practice: Thesis writing practice
- Copy this document to your Google Drive.
First, identify what is wrong with the initial thesis.
Second, rewrite the thesis. Push the argument while trying to adhere to our thesis/claim formula.
Third, tell me why your thesis is now an outstanding thesis (tell me specifically what it does).

There is one that mentions a book... just substitute any book or understand the overall premise of the statement. It doesn't matter about the specific book. As always, take good notes and be attentive to the instruction.

By the end of the hour, upload your document to Google Classroom.

4.      Practice writing a claim/thesis for the following topics..
Bronco Time
Technology in classroom
Professional athlete salary
American military
Writing instruction
Senior class community service
Student opinion in schools

Now remember...
* Are you describing or analyzing?
* Are you thinking about the topic head on or from a different angle?
* What are your preconceived notions about the topic? Are you just passing them along?
* Where are you on Bloom's Taxonomy in your approach to the topic?
* Does the topic need to be adjusted?
* What is the intellectual question?
* Is it arguable? Are you showing YOUR VOICE in the content's world?

5.     Open up GOOGLE CLASSROOM. You will need to pick your FIVE BEST thesis statements. Open up the Google Document. Write the five best on the Google Document.

 HOMEWORK: Read the Toulmin Method of Argument link (found under “writing instruction” links). Take very good notes. 

There will be a QUIZ on FRIDAY- It will cover steps 1-4 of writing and everything involved with these steps. Review also very closely, the reading over argument and persuasion… plus the sole chapter on argument. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Class today: Monday, November 9th

1. Review through the material in the following link: Indiana University- Thesis Statements
Supplement your current notes. This will talk you through the process of developing a topic, through identifying a strong or weak thesis statement.

2. You will be getting into small groups. In your group you need to work through the following:
  •  Discuss the strengths of the following thesis statements: 
Examples of good thesis statements:
  • "The ability to purchase television advertising is essential for any candidate's bid for election to the Senate because television reaches millions of people and thus has the ability to dramatically increase name recognition."
  • The organizational structure of the United Nations, namely consensus voting in the security council, makes it incapable of preventing war between major powers.
What makes each sentence an effective thesis? (Check against your checklist)

3. Now, you will look to the board to your examples of class thesis/claim attempts. As a group, you will go through and critique the strengths and weaknesses of each statement. (Keep in mind, this is going to be a process of improvement. Be honest, but be kind). 

4. If you feel that they need revision, as a group, work together to revise the necessary components of each statement. (Notes and revisions are to be turned in as a group at the end of the hour).

FOR TUESDAY: Read in College Reader, Chapter 12- Pages 475-485. (Castle cover- 515-527) Take very good notes. This is the next development in argument. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Due: Monday, November 9th

Review the fallacies... this is a good link that can help them resonate before building a claim.
Thou Shalt Not Commit Logical Fallacies

Write a CLAIM for the following class/paper scenarios:

Paper #1: given no information from prof. You come up with the class and topic.
Paper #2: Drinking alcohol
Paper #3: Who is the most influential person in a teenager's life?
Paper #4: Abortion
Paper #5: Math class (not as the topic.. this is the class you are being asked to write a paper for)
Paper #6: What is the most important issue of the 2016 Presidential Election?
Paper  #7: Art, PE, Band (You pick the class and you are to write a paper in that class)
Paper #8: Given no information from prof. You come up with the class and topic.
Paper #9: Sex

You will need to have your 9 claim statements when you come to class on Monday. Do you recognize the writing scenarios? However, realize that there are many things that have to happen before the final claim statement. What do you need to consider? Have you gone through the Steps of Writing?

A few of these are designed to be very difficult in developing an ARGUMENT... remember, argument, not persuasion.

This assignment is to practice the following things: 1. Recognizing a writing situation and being able to apply the Steps of Writing to move forward successfully.   2. Recognizing the difference between persuasive writing and argumentative writing.  3. Developing a solid argumentative claim.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Class today: November 2nd

Go Royals!!
Too much Trick-or-Treating lead to a five-year old with an ear infection. Boo.

1. You need to head over to Google Classroom. There are a couple of questions posted that will need to be answered first, but then you will also need to respond to another classmates responses, as well, on the first post. The first post is due by the end of the hour. The second is due by tomorrow morning (fully aware you do not have school).

2.Read and take notes over the following chart. This is a good chart to know to distinguish the difference: P V. A Chart

3. When you are done reviewing.. you need to read the two samples. In your notes, write down examples of the differences between the two samples. Point out specific examples... what they are doing and what the effect is..Persuasive and Argumentative article. Be ready do discuss this on your block day.

A couple of the links from Friday were not working. I have updated them.