Study Questions- Up to Lines 2500
Another Attack?
35. What happens when everyone goes to sleep after the feast?
36. What two things does Grendel’s mother take back to her fen?
Preparing to Fight Again
37. What does Hrothgar say about his friend? What does this say about friendship and loyalty?
38. Re-read the passage running from ll. 1345-82.
- Describe the two creatures.
- What kind of birth did Grendel have?
- What does this passage say about nature and the natural world?
39. Re-reading the passage running from ll. 1383-96,
40. What does the above passage (1383-96) tell us about the Anglo-Saxon heroic code?
41. What is Beowulf’s attitude toward death at line 1442?
42. What does Unferth give Beowulf?
43. What does Unferth lose?
Battle #2
44. Describe Grendel’s mother’s lair.
45. In the end, who decides the victory between Beowulf and Grendel’s mother?
46. What does Beowulf then see that might help him?
47. Who is the “true Lord” (1610-11)? Who do you think this really is?
48. After defeating Grendel, Beowulf was compared to Siegemund; to whom is Beowulf compared now, this time the character is a foil to Beowulf. Describe the comparison.
49. A long passage delivered by Hrothgar on “true values” is spoken to Beowulf. Summarize some of the important lessons Hrothgar gives Beowulf.
50. After Hrothgar give this advice, what happens?
51. What does Beowulf tell Unferth about Hrunting? Is this true? Why would Beowulf say what he says?
52. At Line 1841, Hrothgar begins to say that Beowulf has three traits that will make him a great king. What are they?
53. By defeating Grendel and Grendel’s mother, and coming in friendship, Beowulf has “done” something (l. 1855). What has he done, and how is this a real-world, non-mythological victory?
54. Who is Queen Hygd? Who is her “opposite”? What should a queen be like?
55. After the story of Frea, what does Beowulf start to discuss? Why might the poet use these digressions?
56. What happens between Beowulf and Hygelac (2144-76)?
57. How long does Beowulf rule the kingdom before the dragon appears?
58. What provokes the dragon’s wrath?
59. What is one building that is so important to Beowulf that gets burned down? Why does he think this has happened?
60. What keeps Beowulf from lining up with a large army to defeat the dragon?
61. The Flashback to Hygelac’s death:
-Where did Hygelac get killed?
-What does Hygd offer Beowulf?
-Why does she offer this to him?
-Does he accept? Why do you think he does what he does?
-Why does this story get told at all?
- What is one of the first things Beowulf did as king?
62. When Beowulf sits on the cliff, what makes him “sad at heart”?
63. What story does Beowulf tell before he goes to fight the dragon?