Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Due: Wednesday/Thursday, January 15/16

After our discussion and exercise in class today... you should have ALREADY..
1. Identified the school(s) of philosophy that informed your answer to the question "Why do we exist"

2. Annotated your answer as an outside party, a literary critic, using the literary crit questions... just as you did with "Invictus". You should have stepped away from the topic and your obvious connection with the answer in order to actually see what the piece "says"... how it does it.. and why it does it.  Write all over the piece.

NOW... for class..

1. You need to pick a literary theory question to answer as a thesis in your analysis of this piece of literature. After you write your thesis.. write a brief paragraph of support. Recall the actual piece in your response.

2. Write a second paragraph reflecting on this assignment. What did you figure out? What do you think the reasons are for this assignment and study? What was the experience like? Challenges? Conclusions.

Bring these two paragraphs... AND your initial writing piece to class.

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