Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Class today: March 15th

We are examining three major genres found in The Canterbury Tales (so far)
1. Estate Satire
2. Frame
3. Fabliaux

Examining "The Miller's Tale" and "The General Prologue", we are going to look at how these genres are utilized by Chaucer. How does he use each type of genre to reveal more about his characters and overall purpose for writing the Tales? In the "MT", how does the pilgrim telling the tale contrast from the style of genre that his tale is delivered? What is Chaucer saying with this choice. When examining the individual Tales, you need to be able to differentiate the layers of Chaucer the Author, Chaucer the Pilgrim, the individual Pilgrim, and the characters within the tale told by the pilgrim.

In your notes, you will be examining how we see each genre structure in the Tales. 

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