Thursday, August 31, 2017

Thursday, August 31st.

Image result for questioning quote

We have started our journey into inquiry/questioning. After watching "Why Do We Ask Questions", and being introduced to Bloom's Taxonomy...

For Friday,
We are getting ready for our FIRST SOCRATIC SEMINAR on Unbroken on Friday, September 1st.

To do this...
1. Review very carefully the Socratic seminar handout to be familiar with the purpose of a Socratic seminar; be familiar with the guidelines of the seminar; be familiar with the differences between debate and dialogue; be familiar with the SCORING GUIDE for the seminar.

You need to understand the requirements of you as you participate in the seminar.


2. You will need to write 5-6 higher level questions addressing literary value of Unbroken. Think of the "What", "How", and "Why" structure. Please focus on the "How" and "Why" questions. You can use the Bloom's question stems to help you write your questions.


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