Monday, December 4, 2017

December 4th

1. Argument fallacy quiz- Google Classroom.

2. Write a CLAIM for the following topics:
  1.  Voting age
  2. Beauty pageants
  3. Torture
  4. Taxes
  5. Credit cards
  6. Mean girls
  7. Video games
  8. Academic honesty
  9.  Global climate
  10. Standardized testing
Things you MUST consider...
  • Topic size.. do not just drop the topic into your thesis as the subject. What approach are you taking towards the subject?
  • Are you showing assessment or analysis of the issue? What do you think about the issue? What can be done about the issue? What changes should be made? What is more important or not? THINK TO THE TYPES OF CLAIMS AS YOU APPROACH THIS TOPIC. 
  • Are you answering how and/or why? Think about us having a discussion about this issue. You state your solution to a problem and then I ask you "how?" or "why?" . This is where your voice gets to be heard.
  • Make sure that you are not describing or summarizing the topic or issue.
  • Look at your VERB usage.. Try to keep with an ACTIVE verb!
3. Make sure that you have read the opening pages to Chapter 13- 515-525. Take good notes!

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