Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy New Year! January 3rd!

1. Write the above term and definition in your first page of notes for the start of the new semester. 

2. Read the following article from the January 3rd Kansas City Star"Got Grit?"
As you are reading, with your notes open, and pen in hand, jot down the following. 
  • Article name, author, and date 
  • Major warrants that the author makes (remember how warrants function)
  • Pertinent specific examples that emphasize the argument. 
  • Specific terms that are defined
  • When done reading, write a one sentence summary of the article. 
3. Watch Angela Lee Duckworth's Ted Talk, "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance"

For Thursday: 

4. Take the following survey on GRIT: Grit Survey

You will receive a 1-5 score on your "Grittiness".  1 being not very gritty... 5 being extremely gritty. Keep track of this score in your notes. Jot down some ideas about your results for class on Thursday. 

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