Friday, April 25, 2014

English 12 Final

This list is a general list... it includes a lot of branches from these major areas... examine your notes and quizzes thoroughly..  Remember- make learning active, not passive.

1. Art of communication- types of communication, purpose, etc.
2. Purpose of education
3. Art of questioning- Why? How to? Bloom's Taxonomy
4. Narrative writing- show don't tell, dialogue, purpose, imagery 
5. Expository writing- what is it? When to do? Why do it?
6. 8 steps of writing- list, rationale, execution.. Lists, checklists, formulas, organization
7. Different writing scenario you will encounter in college.. how to explain it to others
8. Why we study literature?
9. Annotation. 
10. Cornell notes.
11. Difference between college writing and high school writing
12. Literary theory- origins, schools, questions, philosophy
13. Anglo-Saxon history, literature, Beowulf
14. Middle Ages history, literature, The Canterbury Tales
15. Renaissance history, literature, Hamlet 
16. Literary terms, poetry terms (applicable)
17. Diction, syntax, grammar (sentence diagramming)
18. Research practices- source evaluation, where to go, why do we do it?
19. Totem pole of academia 
20. Sonnets- form, origin, scansion
21. Characterization- definition, steps, motivation, execution

Important due dates:

April 28th: Acts 3 and 4 read- Hamlet.
April 30th/May 1st: Finish Hamlet
May 5th: Assistance work due at 7:35 AM (certain students)
May 7th: 2nd and 4th Hours FINAL and FINAL PAPER DUE (Last day of class)
May 8th: 6th and 7th Hours FINAL and FINAL PAPER DUE (Last day of class)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Middle Ages Test Friday

Your test on Friday will cover the following content:
- Middle Ages history
- Chaucer biography
- Literary terms pertinent to the time and literature
- The General Prologue- plot, analysis, characterization
- The Wife of Bath Prologue- plot, analysis, narration, characterization
- The Wife of Bath Tale- plot, analysis, narration, characterization, gender, chivalric code, etc.
- Literary analysis/criticism

The form will be:
Short answer, quote identification, passage annotation and analysis

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday, April 8th

1. You will have 3 classmates score your final draft of your paper. When they are done, turn in all three scoring guides to me.
2. Read The Wife of Bath's Tale. Class handout, and also found under CT links.You will need to pick three schools of literary theory and three accompanying pen colors, and annotate the text for evidence, conclusions, elements that can align and reveal more about the text through that specific lens.

3. Middle Ages, Chaucer, Canterbury Tales General Prologue, Wife's Prologue and Wife's Tale TEST on Friday.

Renaissance reading is now due MONDAY.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Due: April 8th

1. Argumentative Wife of Bath's Prologue in final draft form saved in Google Drive by beginning of class.

Friday, April 11th

Monday, April 14th
Quiz over Renaissance notes (outlined form) and Elizabethan reading (pages 1-32)

Class agenda: April 7th

1. You will first go through the writing concisely exercises found at this link:

2. You will next go through the comma exercises found at the following sites:

3. Last, you will go through the transitional words exercise found here:

ONCE you are done with all of the above...

4. Read through the A-D level essay handout... notice the difference between each grade level. Underline the key elements in each level.

5. Open your partner's argumentative essay, go through with the scoring guide I provide and score their essay. When you are done, please hand the completed scoring guide to your partner.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Class agenda: April 4th

1. Show Schulenberg/Cole that your scoring of your partner's paper has been completed.
2. Open your partner's paper on Google Drive. At the bottom of the document, you are going to offer explanations as to why they received the specific scores that they did through out the scoring guide.
It can be as simple as this:
Purpose and Synthesis: 2
- You did not address nearly enough of the literary text (only 3 examples total)
- Your explanations are not demonstrating critical thought... just paraphrasing what the quote states
- The controlling idea is not completely evident

Support: 1

And so on. . . .

After you go through all 6 sections of the scoring guide with your explanations/justifications, I want you to assign the work a LETTER GRADE...  You will write this grade on their scoring guide.

ALL 4s: A
Mostly 4s and a few 3s: B+
All 3s: B
Any 2s with a combination of a 3 or 4: C
All 2s: D
All 2s with ONLY one 1: D-
1s: F

When you are done, please hand the scoring guide to the author. Don't have hard feelings if the grade is not where you would like it to be... we are using this as feedback and fuel to improve..  This grade is not going to be going in any grade book.

Keeping this document AS IS in this folder, copy and paste YOUR writing on a new document. You will be adding an introduction, transitions, EDIT body, and conclusion to this writing. You are now going to make the paper ARGUMENTATIVE by explaining WHY these techniques are important to reading The Wife of Bath... So your introduction will have a THESIS... and the paper's purpose is now ARGUMENTATIVE.

I will send you a shared folder to upload your finished draft.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Expository evaluation- Class April 2nd, 3rd

1. Found under Honors 12 Instructional links, you will find three handouts. The first covers editing and proof reading. You need to take out your notes and take good notes on the instructions and suggestions.
2. Next, open up "Commas" handout. Also, take notes.
3. You will then open up the "Writing Concisely" handout. This addresses how to look for wordiness, passivity, etc. in your writing. You need to also take good notes on the pertinent information.

When you are done with this...

4. Open up your expository sections on Chaucer's use of satire and irony. You will be going through your drafts looking for FIRST.. comma usage. Then, wordiness, passive verbs, etc. When you find issues to be fixed, you will edit your paper with a DIFFERENT COLORED FONT to indicate your change.

5. Then... do an ACTIVE proofreading of both sections of your paper. Utilize the strategies you have been instructed upon.

You will have until 9:00 PM to have the editing done on your own paper. At 9:00 PM on the day of class, it is considered a final draft.

The scorer you have been assigned can then open your document and will SCORE your expository writing with the handed out scoring guide given in class today.

Scorer: please write your name and time stamp beside the document writer's name. Please use a different color font.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


There will be a full year, comprehensive final on your scheduled final date.
This will cover day one through the last week of class.

May 7th: 2nd and 4th hours
May 8th: 6th and 7th hours

Class today- April 1st (No joke)

Today and into tomorrow/Thursday, by the beginning of class, you will be writing two EXPOSITORY SECTIONS (not paragraphs.. sections) derived from the following prompts:

Expository section #1:
How does Chaucer employ the literary concept of SATIRE in the Wife of Bath's Prologue? 

Expository section #2:
How does Chaucer employ the literary concept of IRONY in the Wife of Bath's Prologue?

However, before you respond to EITHER of these prompts.. the first line (which will be a stand alone line.. it has nothing to do with the prompts, MLA, etc. will be:

My audience wants to see the following in my writing:

Then... you may begin writing.

Things you need to remember:
1. You are to only use the Chromebooks for word processing and uploading to Google Drive- You do not use the internet to look up anything.. definitions, examples, essays..  Doing so, results in a zero for the assignment. Remember academic honesty as you work on this without direct monitoring.

2. Section does not mean paragraph. The writer controls paragraphing for their audience's/writing needs. These sections may have multiple "paragraphs". You, as the writer, need to have the ability to effectively paragraph. In order to do this, you need to consider: when do I need to start a new paragraph in order to punctuate the importance of the point I just made; when is the subject I am handling TOO BIG to rattle on and on... so I better remind the reader, what again, am I explaining/arguing... and then start up again; when/where I am going in another solid direction

3. With effective EXPOSITORY writing and effective PARAGRAPHING... you need to EFFECTIVELY TRANSITION through out your sections AND between your paragraphs.

4. Textual evidence. Textual evidence. Textual evidence. If you don't cite the PRIMARY text... it shows you don't KNOW the primary text and you are writing in generalizations. If you find yourself stating something along of the lines of "The Wife demonstrates insecurities"... and that's it.. you have done nothing.. You must follow up a statement such as this with EVIDENCE of your statement...  SHOW don't TELL. Chaucer is poetry.. you need to cite LINES.

5. This is EXPOSITORY writing... what does that mean? This is the PURPOSE of these sections.. so demonstrate it! It is NOT an argument because the fact that these techniques exist in this text.

6. I want a TITLE for these two sections. Just one title.. for the two sections. Utilize the colon method.

7. Save to Google Drive Folder that I have shared with you via email by the time class begins on Wednesday/Thursday.