1. Show Schulenberg/Cole that your scoring of your partner's paper has been completed.
2. Open your partner's paper on Google Drive. At the bottom of the document, you are going to offer explanations as to why they received the specific scores that they did through out the scoring guide.
It can be as simple as this:
Purpose and Synthesis: 2
- You did not address nearly enough of the literary text (only 3 examples total)
- Your explanations are not demonstrating critical thought... just paraphrasing what the quote states
- The controlling idea is not completely evident
Support: 1
And so on. . . .
After you go through all 6 sections of the scoring guide with your explanations/justifications, I want you to assign the work a LETTER GRADE... You will write this grade on their scoring guide.
ALL 4s: A
Mostly 4s and a few 3s: B+
All 3s: B
Any 2s with a combination of a 3 or 4: C
All 2s: D
All 2s with ONLY one 1: D-
1s: F
When you are done, please hand the scoring guide to the author. Don't have hard feelings if the grade is not where you would like it to be... we are using this as feedback and fuel to improve.. This grade is not going to be going in any grade book.
Keeping this document AS IS in this folder, copy and paste YOUR writing on a new document. You will be adding an introduction, transitions, EDIT body, and conclusion to this writing. You are now going to make the paper ARGUMENTATIVE by explaining WHY these techniques are important to reading The Wife of Bath... So your introduction will have a THESIS... and the paper's purpose is now ARGUMENTATIVE.
I will send you a shared folder to upload your finished draft.
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