Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Before you finalize your paper-

We need to do a quick review of ACTIVE v. PASSIVE voice..
Passive voice- UNC

Identifying and fixing passive voice when needed

Now... if on Google Drive, click on the following link and copy and paste document into box to check reading level:
Readability Level

This site is pretty great. It will help you understand your reading level and also identify some problem sentences in your writing. They MAY or MAY not be passive voice problems.. You will still need to examine your writing.

Rough estimate on the Flesch Reading Ease score-  Don't go crazy with this information.. just use it to give you a head's up.
A score of about 65 correlates with the 8th to 9th grade level, and a score of about 55 indicates a 10th to 12th grade level. Scores between 0 and 30 represent college graduate readability
The Flesch Reading Ease score is interpreted as follows:
Flesch Reading Ease ScoreReadability LevelEducation LevelPercentage Adults (Optimistic)
0 - 29Very difficultCollege Graduates5%
30 - 49DifficultCollege30%
50 - 59Fairly difficultSenior High School, A-level50%
60 - 69Plain English13 to 15 year-olds80%
70 - 79Fairly easy12 year-olds90%

Once you have reviewed these links, open your paper in whatever word processing tool you used (Google Drive or Windows Word). In Drive, click on "edit" and then "find and replace". In the box for "find", start looking for the following words to help identify passive voice...
Is              Was
Am           Be
Are        Were
Be          Being
Have      Has
Had.......  (these are your famous "be verbs")

Do the following tests. ..... and then make adjustments to your sentences to switch to active voice.
Once you are done... check your readability level again.
Zombie Test: Could one insert the phrase "by zombies" after the verb? If so, would the sentence still make grammatical sense? If so, you might have passive voice. For instance, "the dog was fed" (by zombies).

Agency Test: In the case of action verbs, identify the subject and the main verb(s) in the clause. Does the subject sit passively while some outside agent does the action to it? If so, it's passive voice.   

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