1. Your Casablanca inspired argument paper should be drafted ready to finalize by this point. Keep in mind it is due by 11:59 PM on Tuesday submitted to Turnitin.com.
2. Now it is time to hone your proofreading skills. A paper should never make it into the hands of your teacher/professor without thorough proofing by you. Here is a good site that will aid you in developing these skills:
Proofreading and Editing- UNC
Go through your paper an look solely at punctuation-
Punctuation refresher:
Punctuation links: UMN
Go through your paper and look solely at citation-
OWL Purdue- MLA
Go through your paper an look solely at argument- identify Toulmin's method
Read through this site and take notes on instructions and tips. As you finish your papers, put these into work for you.
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