Monday, October 27, 2014

Class: October 27th

I have sick kids.. Sorry!
1. Partner up with a productive partner.
2. Take out book and talk through Toulmin's Method. In your individual notes, write your own summary of each part of the method.
3. Now you are going to be talking through Glazer's writing process- first initial draft, then revisions.
Use the following questions-
What structures do you notice?
What types of questions is he asking to make revisions?
What types of improvements do you see?
Where do you see induction/deduction? How is it used?
Is this usage effective?
Where do you see Toulmin's method?
How does it enhance his argument?
4. Now take out your induction/deduction practice. Share attempts and evaluate your successes..
5. Check for homework by mid-afternoon.. It will be on claim writing... We need practice.

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